Free Webinar: Invest in Your Growth: WWP Training Preview


April 17, 2024

Invest in Your Growth:
WWP Training Preview

Join Blair Enns and Shannyn Lee on Wednesday, April 17 at 9:00 am PT/12:00 pm ET for a glimpse into the Win Without Pitching training experience.

In this Webinar Blair and Shannyn will model a conversation, facilitate discussions, and share the  frameworks and principles that will allow you to own your expertise in the sale. 

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Webinar Agenda:


Format & Facilitators

A "workshop" in the proper sense of the word, the entire day is built around reviewing and rebuilding past proposals to find new levels of success. Bring your old proposals (or ones you’re currently working on) and be prepared to share in this roundtable format. Redact client details if you need to.

Blair and Shannyn will lead an open review of each participant’s proposals, facilitating a rebuild with advanced techniques that are not covered in Pricing Creativity.

Why Attend?

Spend the day with Blair, Shannyn and seven other successful agency principals unlocking more value for your firm through advanced pricing techniques that you can take back to your team and implement immediately.

Expect to recoup your investment with the next proposal you write.

Build relationships with your peers and facilitators at the intimate post-event gourmet dinner in one of Palm Springs’ finest restaurants.

Leverage the group’s dedicated Slack channel to continue to exchange advice with your peers long after the event.

It’s Palm Springs in March.

Register Now

What You Will Learn:


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