Win Without Pitching Manifesto

The cult classic that creative firms around the world are using to win new business at higher prices and a dramatically lower cost of sale.


A must-read for any professional creative who owns their own firm…

This has been a complete game changer and I would consider it essential reading if you are in the creative space and need guidance on how to position yourself as an expert.

Blair’s writing style is engaging and easy-to-read. He’s able to distill big concepts into bite-sized, highly actionable, nuggets of gold.

Easily could be priced over $100 and still be a bargain in the knowledge you gain. Buy this book.

Read it. Re-read it. Apply what you learn and crush it!

Chris Do


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Exclusive: for book buyers only

New! Manifesto Video Series by Blair Enns

In this 12-part exclusive video series, Blair expands on each of the twelve proclamations inside The Win Without Pitching Manifesto. Access Blair’s insights gleaned from coaching and consulting with thousands of firms over the past decade. Learn from their successes, failures, and find out what’s working now.

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A manifesto revolutionizing the way creative firms win more profitable business

Inside The
Win Without Pitching Manifesto,

You’ll Discover These 12 Powerful Proclamations...

We Will Specialize

The “Difficult Business Decision” we need to make so we can regain control over how our services are bought and sold…

We Will Replace
With Conversations

The dirty little secret of our profession (and why “how” we sell ultimately shapes “what” we sell)…

We Will Diagnose
Before We Prescribe

What a children’s fable teaches us about avoiding the “sting” of bad engagements…

We Will Rethink
What It Means To Sell

We will look for those that we can best help and who are also willing to let us lead in the sale…

We Will Do With
Words What We
Used to Do With Paper

Six reasons clients ask for proposals (and why we only write them once we’re paid)…

We Will Be

Pursuing “No”: Why we want to be saying (and hearing) it as early and as often as possible…

We Will Build
Expertise Rapidly

How we can secure a lasting competitive advantage without being smarter or more creative than our competition…

We Will Not Solve
Problems Before
We Are Paid

The simple five-word sentence for immediately safeguarding against giving our thinking away for free…

We Will Address
Issues of Money

A powerful tool for quickly weeding out poor financial fits (without any stress or awkwardness)…

We Will Refuse to
Work at a Loss

Three alternatives to discounting to ensure all our engagements remain profitable…

We Will Charge

Why higher pricing results in better relationships and outcomes for both us and our clients…

We Will Hold Our
Heads High

How to rise above the pressures of the market, reclaim our passion and vision for change…

The Win Without Pitching Manifesto is for

creatives, consultants
& marketers:

Praise for

The Win Without Pitching Manifesto:

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Blair has clearly and succinctly articulated the framework necessary to build a great services business...

I've asked my entire company to read this. If you run a services company, this is the most value you ever will get per time spent. Yes, it's that good.
David w. Gray


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Easily one of the best business books for creatives...

It not only has very striking, powerful, and ingenious ideas, but it also pays a great amount of detail to the means by which it presents them. It's a clean and easy read that is sophisticated and easy to digest. Blair Enns struck gold with this.
Spencer Fraye
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Every consultant or marketing agency partner needs to read this…

Should be required reading, actually! Stop writing proposals and start having conversations. To me, this is a more authentic way to engage in business contracts and partnerships. This book will show you how to do that.


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I’ve been running my own design agency for almost a decade and this is the first book that I’ve read that has had me emphatically agreeing throughout its entirety that “OH MY GOD THIS GUY GETS IT…

He addresses so many of the common pitfalls that creatives run into: namely, how to set yourself apart from the myriad of technicians who are willing to do free/spec/cheap work for those who do not value their skills and the creative solutions they bring to the table.

If you want to position yourself as an expert at your craft, read this book as soon as you can. And bring a highlighter and a notebook - you’re about to get 12 great lessons on how to win at what you do without having to subject yourself to the constant demoralizing pitch.




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Short valuable read for anyone who wants to build a ‘grown up’ creative agency...

As a designer, I feel very seen by this manifesto and will absolutely be applying its principles to building my business.


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A masterpiece among creatives who seek to have a respectful, profitable, and fulfilling business...

It primarily discusses how to have the best client-creative relationship without having to lose your worth, value, money and time, all in under 12 proclamations.
Randa Mashnouk
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I wish I had read this book 8 years ago and followed it to the letter!

This manifesto will guide any agency worth their weight to great success!

Blair speaks TRUTH!


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Whether your company is a design studio, brand agency, marketing consultancy, or a production firm, you will rethink the entire way you sell after reading this book…

I’ve benefited tremendously from this short book and seen my brand consultancy grow significantly over the last 13 years because of the principles Blair makes so obvious. You do not need to put countless, non-billable hours into 'proposals' and pitches. You really can sell your brand with your expertise without giving away free work.


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Invaluable advice on how to turn your creative business from order taker to one based on expertise and respect...

Every freelance or creative business owner should read it.
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A must read for B2B vendors of any type, from IT to creative...

For my consulting firm there were a lot of takeaways. It's got a good mix of practical, strategic and in between. Not vague and fluffy inspiration. It lays out specific goals and clear standards.


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The Win Without Pitching Manifesto​

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The Win Without Pitching Manifesto
is​ a must-read now:

Most creative agencies describe their sales process as a never-ending “roller coaster”…

One that has them stuck giving their best thinking away, permitting prospects to price their projects…

And worst of all, pitching to “win.”

pitch (verb)

To attempt to sell or win approval for one’s ideas by giving them away for free, usually within a competitive, buyer-driven process.

To be fair, it’s hard not to fall victim to the free pitching pathology.

As a 22-year old business development lead at my first creative firm, I too was programmed into arbitrarily applying these industry “best practices”…

For far too many years, I cold pitched, pushed for pitch meetings, designed pitch decks (til’ sunrise)…

Until one day, I started pushing back and saying “no”.

No more filling out RFPs. No more giving away free ideas.

And above all else, no more pitching to “win”.

That’s when Win Without Pitching was born.

Because to my surprise, this “radical” approach for winning new business was working well — exceptionally well.

I was closing much bigger deals at a much lower cost of sale…

All without pitching.

Since then, thousands have joined me in the revolution against the status quo.

Now more than ever, creative professionals and firms worldwide are rising up to reclaim both their power and dignity in the buy-sell relationship.

The Win Without Pitching Manifesto is a treatise defining how creatives, consultants, and marketers like you can reclaim your status as a prized practitioner…

And define an alternative (highly profitable) path forward.

A path that lets you win without pitching.

I quadrupled my salary within 6 months doing what I love…

The book confirmed and unleashed techniques and beliefs that were simmering just below the threshold of my consciousness. Things I was just waiting to hear.

So… thank you. If you’re ever passing through Bellingham, WA, I’ll buy you a cold beer.




Blair Enns

Blair Enns is the founder of Win Without Pitching, the sales training and coaching program for creative professionals worldwide.

Since 2001, Blair has been empowering thousands of design firms, advertising agencies, and creative practices to let go of pitching so they can start winning bigger, better business with dignity instead.

From one-person shops to the largest independent agencies in the world, WWP is helping agency owners reclaim the high ground in the buy-sell relationship and better serve their clients too.

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The Win Without Pitching Manifesto​

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French  • German  • Spanish  

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I wish I had read this book 8 years ago and followed it to the letter!

If you get paid for the power of your thinking, this is a must-read. The 12 proclamations are deceptively simple if you only read the ‘look inside’ part of the book. The actual text puts each of those proclamations into a context that makes their wisdom undeniable, and gives examples of how each one comes into play. You will see both positive and negative outcomes based on how well you apply the proclamations to your own business. Simply put, just read this. Likely, more than once.




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This book should be read by every creative who sells their work and every creative agency leader. Blair is shaking the agency world up and bringing us into the 21st century. If you want to be paid more and have less competition then take head of the principles explained in this book. Fantastic book and easy to read.




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Win Without Pitching Manifesto: